Blog post 5
I have never been a fan of Twitter and I'm still not, to be honest. I don't know if it's just me, but Twitter is so confusing. I have been messing around with it a bit lately but I cannot find my way around the app yet and get lost easily. I feel that learning how to use Twitter could be beneficial for me in my future career because it will help me connect with others around the world.
The digital divide affects the student's success by making learning unfair and gives different students different opportunities and experiences. Some causes of the digital divide may include low income, low literacy, and unable to physically access technology. I would expect to have to deal with the digital divide if I were a teacher and have an idea of how I may be able to make things a little easier. I would try to keep all technology-related work in the classroom and when they go home, they would have paperwork or some other form of homework that does not include digital access.
Two software tools I would use in my classroom are Quizlet and Kahoot. Quizlet is a place where you make your questions or search already made quizzes and you can use flashcards, play games to help you learn, and even take practice tests. Kahoot is a game where the teacher poses questions and the students compete to get the most questions right in the least amount of time. Both of these tools are fun ways to introduce students to topics, help them learn the topics, and give more practice.
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