Blog Post 1
Hey everyone! To start off, I'd like to share a little bit about myself. I am a Computer Science major here at FSU. I am 19 years old, have my AA degree, and would like to go for my master's. I just recently moved into my sorority house and so far am having a blast and making tons of new friends. In my free time, I love playing super Mario bros, watching tik toks, and jamming out in the car.
I feel that technology can be used in many ways to make education more fun or even easier. For example, Kahoot. Many people know about this game. It keeps everyone interested in the topic and helps teach the material even if you don't realize it. Another good thing that I've seen to come from technology in classrooms is a wider variety of material. If you don't know what I mean, take a look at the fsu library database. They have more books than you can imagine right at your fingertips.
One personal learning network that I use is canvas. Through canvas, you can do assignments, talk to peers, instructors, ta's, etc. I feel that it is very effective to have everything you need in one app. An offline personal learning network that I use is office hours. This is a great way for me to ask my professor any questions I may have, especially since I'm a bit shyer.
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